When you’re marketing in the non-profit sector, money is tighter than ever. You might not even have a “budget” for marketing that’s more than whatever you can scrape together from other unused funds. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean that you have to be left out in the dust. Google offers a grant program that drops as much as $10,000 a month into the hands of deserving nonprofit organizations that want to use the money to improve their marketing. Here’s how you can get involved.
The first thing that you have to do is read up on the eligibility and application requirements for this type of grant. Typically, and 501(c)(3) business that is considered a charity organization can qualify. Of course, Google does exclude the following organizations:
- Healthcare facilities and hospitals
- Government organizations or entities
- Academic institutions (Google for Education handles these)
There are going to be more specific requirements or exclusions within these categories, so anyone applying will need to check out the details. However, this is the basic structure. Those interested must also agree to the Google terms and conditions and must be able to prove to Google that they have a website with “substantial” content that is relevant and current.
Sign Up
Google has a program called Google for Nonprofits. If you haven’t already set up this tool, now is the time. This program is designed to include special features, including a donate button on Youtube and annotations that include links on videos. You’ll also get a listing on the Google fundraising app, One Today. Anyone with a nonprofit tax ID or EIN and validation token will be able to apply for a grant once they have signed up for this type of Google account.
Take the time to fill out all of the information in detail, and submit the form for approval once you have completed everything. Usually, applications are approved within a matter of a few days and most people have seen significant success with this program.
It’s Easier Than You Think
The biggest reason that people don’t go after funds like the Google Ad Grant is that they think that the process is too difficult, that they don’t qualify, or that there will be too much red tape involved. Google, fortunately, has made it all super easy for non-profits, with simple signup and application, as well as quick turnaround on decisions. Plus, Google has a team standing by to help along the way.
Of course, one of the best ways that you can set your nonprofit up for success with grants is to hire professional grant writers and grant application services. These organizations dedicate their lives to handling grants and professional funding. It’s their job to get you approved for these funds, and they might even be able to find additional funds for you along the way. Plus, they will handle all of the logistics and details so that you can focus on your nonprofit activities and growing your organization in other ways. It’s a great way to get the funds you need so that you can keep giving back.